ColorSpace Redux

colorSpace 1

About colorSpace

Color is imagined as a space. We see colors as distributed throughout a cube with black on one corner and white on the opposite corner. Red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, and yellow each have a corner. The rest of the colors-more than 16 million of them-are distributed as a gradient cloud in between. colorSpace is a machine for navigating through this color cube; it is a machine inside the machine of the metaphor of a color space, which is, in turn, inside the machine of our imagination. What we see is the pixel-eye-view from a path through a color cube.

This work is one of my earliest, a browser art piece from 2001. It was originally accomplished using frames for the color cells. This version is rewritten for the contemporary browser (in 2024).

Click on the animation to view the color transition represented as paths in the 3D color space. (Pan and zoom to explore the space.)

Notes on Settings